was a former External Relations Manager, Shell Africa's Region.
He is a safety guru,
he is vice president of the Institute of safety professionals of Nigeria (ISPON) of which he has been a member since 1982,
he is also a member of many other global safety organisations including ASSE and NSC.
The company's services are intended to assist clients minimize the risk of accidents and security breaches,
adhere to applicable laws and standards, and establish a safe and secure workplace.
Our very own Safety Management System.
Provide us with your scope of work and we will provide you with your HSEMS manual
Get that contract with a convincing safety profile
Take out the weakest link using multi level chains of safety procedures and processes.
Get it right the first time, avoid costly mistakes
Pre planning is absolutely important.
Use these predictive tools as forecasts & troubleshooting alerts before you even begin.
What is the best approach to use when investigating incidents?
Do your staff have the confidence to reveal the real truth to you to help prevent a reoccurrence?
We provide health, safety, environment training and consultancy services.
These trainings cover ncluding occupational health and safety, environmental management,
and risk assessment.
Be the best in class in risk reduction and loss control management business.
Applying the science of safety towards accident & injury prevention
by reducing exposure risk to as low as reasonably practicable